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The spirit of sports within our company

The spirit of sports within our company

Delser firmly believes in the interaction between sports and industry, two worlds that seem very far apart, but that are not at all, if thinking about how the teachings of sports make people grow in their lives, at home, at work and within the community.

Our CEO Bruno Rossetto believes that the link of the Company to basketball was a felt choice. This sport trains both body and mind and allows knowing oneself and others, it stimulates dialogue, opinions, and discipline and it helps setting goals and pursuing them, values that are as valid in sports as they are valid in life.

We would like to remind that Pleasure and Wellbeing are the perfect principles to keep healthy and in shape and Delser products are always high quality from the choice of raw materials all the way to your table.





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"Delser,  sponsor Female basketball team A2 Delser Udine"

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